The Darkness II is the sequel to the critically acclaimed 2007 release The Darkness. Inspired by the popular comic book series produced by Top Cow Productions, Inc., The Darkness II is an intense first person action game that delivers a twisted and gripping narrative of tragedy, modern crime drama, and supernatural horror. Players will be taken down the brutal and personal path of Jackie Estacado, head of a New York crime family and wielder of an ancient and ruthless force of chaos and destruction known as The Darkness. The Darkness II stands out visually with its distinctive graphic noir style, and it is the only game that features Quad-Wielding: the ability to utilize four different weapons independently and simultaneously.
The Darkness II PS3
Quad-wielding chaos: Slash, grab, and throw objects and enemies with the Demon Arms while simultaneously firing two weapons, adding a new dimension to the FPS category.
Intense and personal journey: Experience a dark, twisted and gripping story written exclusively for the game by acclaimed comic book author Paul Jenkins whose credits also include The Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, and the original The Darkness game.
Distinctive graphic-noir style: Graphic novel shading and color combined with the dramatic lighting of film noir pays tribute to the source material and brings the pages of the comic series to life.
4-PLA YER CO-OP CAMPAIGN: Play as one of four unique characters each capable of wielding weapons infused with Darkness powers.
The Vendettas co-op mode features 4-player support, as well as a separate story and unique characters with abilities tied to the Darkness
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